sklearn-som v. 1.1.0

Master Documentation

class sklearn_som.som.SOM(m=3, n=3, dim=3, lr=1, sigma=1, max_iter=3000, **kwargs)

The 2-D, rectangular grid self-organizing map class using Numpy.


m : int, default=3

The shape along dimension 0 (vertical) of the SOM.

n : int, default=3

The shape along dimesnion 1 (horizontal) of the SOM.

dim : int, default=3

The dimensionality (number of features) of the input space.

lr : float, default=1

The initial step size for updating the SOM weights.

sigma : float, optional

Optional parameter for magnitude of change to each weight. Does not update over training (as does learning rate). Higher values mean more aggressive updates to weights.

max_iter : int, optional

Optional parameter to stop training if you reach this many interation.

random_state : int, optional

Optional integer seed to the random number generator for weight initialization. This will be used to create a new instance of Numpy’s default random number generator (it will not call np.random.seed()). Specify an integer for deterministic results.


fit(X, epochs=1, shuffle=True)

Fit the self organizing-map to the given data.


X : ndarray

Training data. Must have shape (n, self.dim) where n is the number of training samples.

epochs : int, default=1

The number of times to loop through the training data when fitting.

shuffle : bool, default True

Whether or not to randomize the order of train data when fitting. Can be seeded with np.random.seed() prior to calling fit.



Fits the SOM to the given data but does not return anything.


Predict cluster for each element in X.


X : ndarray

An ndarray of shape (n, self.dim) where n is the number of samples. The data to predict clusters for.


labels : ndarray

An ndarray of shape (n,). The predicted cluster index for each item in X.


Transform the data X into cluster distance space.


X : ndarray

Data of shape (n, self.dim) where n is the number of samples. The data to transform.


transformed : ndarray

Transformed data of shape (n, self.n*self.m). The Euclidean distance from each item in X to each cluster center.

fit_predict(X, **kwargs)

Convenience method for calling fit(X) followed by predict(X).


X : ndarray

Data of shape (n, self.dim). The data to fit and then predict.


Optional keyword arguments for the .fit() method.


labels : ndarray

ndarray of shape (n,). The index of the predicted cluster for each item in X (after fitting the SOM to the data in X).

fit_transform(X, **kwargs)

Convenience method for calling fit(X) followed by transform(X).

Unlike in sklearn, this is not implemented more efficiently (the efficiency is the same as calling fit(X) directly followed by transform(X)).


X : ndarray

Data of shape (n, self.dim) where n is the number of samples.


Optional keyword arguments for the .fit() method.


transformed : ndarray

ndarray of shape (n, self.m*self.n). The Euclidean distance from each item in X to each cluster center.